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Predstavljanje IV. gimnazije "Marko Marulić", Split za učenike završnih razreda osnovnih škola.
Video su u potpunosti osmislili i izradili Marulićevci za buduće Marulićevce.



U sklopu školskog projekta Razglednice, koji se provodi kroz izbornu nastavu geografije, dana 9. 2. 2022. u online okruženju gostovala je gđa. Aisling Kearns, zamjenica veleposlanika Republike Irske u Republici Hrvatskoj.


Zanimljivo predavanje o Irskoj je održano na engleskom jeziku. U komunikaciji nam je pomogla profesorica Marijana Munitić, a učenici su na kraju predavanja postavljali pitanja. Kako nije bilo vremena za sva pitanja, gđa. Kearns je na dio njih odgovorila u pisanoj formi (u produžetku teksta).

Između ostalog, na predavanju smo dobili informaciju o projektu Croatia Global Greening, što možete vidjeti preko linka

Profesor Dino Bruža i učenici izborne nastave PiG-a su također nazočili predavanju.


Pitanja i odgovori:

Which in your opinion would be the three most beautiful places to visit in Ireland?

There are beautiful places throughout Ireland. The Wild Atlantic Way is a tourism project that runs the entire west coast from Derry to Cork. County Clare is one of my favourite locations with the Burren and Cliffs of Moher. Being from Dublin, I love the city, it has a lot of interesting attractions and really great museums. I would recommend Brú na Bóinne in Meath to view Newgrange. For the east coast Ireland’s Ancient East has a lot to offer. Galway is a great city for cultural festivals.


What is the education system like in your country? Would you recommend us to continue our education in Ireland?

Ireland offers a wide range of subjects in universities, institutes of technology, and colleges of education. Education in Ireland might be able to answer some of your questions on third level education.

The EU Erasmus programme is also a really good opportunity. Croatia is a very popular Erasmus location for Irish university students.


Who are the famous Irish scientists?

Robert Boyle, John Tyndall, John Philip Holland, Ernest Walton, Francis Rynd were all born in Ireland.


How is Ireland solving the problem of emigration since Croatia is in a similar situation?

Ireland has a long history of migration, the three big waves in the 1840s, 1950s and 1980s. The Irish Government works to support communities abroad through Ireland’s Diaspora Strategy including the Emigrant Support Programme and the Back for Business Programme.  In 2021 more Irish citizens returned to Ireland then emigrated. 

The Irish Emigration Museum EPIC tells the history of emigration. I recommend visiting if you are ever in Dublin but they also have a lot of resources online.

Over 70 million people around the world claim Irish ancestry which is a very big diaspora for a small country. Those living in Ireland and abroad stay connected through Irish culture, celebrations like St Patrick’s Day have become a global event. The St Patrick’s Day parade was first held in New York by Irish emigrants in 1762 it wasn’t until 1903 that the first parade was held in Ireland. The Global Greenings is one way we mark the day.   


Which is the most famous dish to try?

Potatoes were a very big part of the Irish diet, traditional dishes would include boxty, champ and colcannon. Traditional lamb stew and soda bread are very popular dish.

For Halloween, barmbrack is a traditional bread made with raisons and sultanas. I’ve attached a recipe for you to try.


What are the most developed sectors in Ireland?

The biggest sectors in Ireland are the Pharmaceutical and Medical Technology Industries, IT sector, Financial Services and agriculture.


Predavanje je bilo vrlo zanimljivo, naša gošća susretljiva na čemu joj još jednom zahvaljuju polaznici izborne nastave geografije i D. Glamuzina Perić, prof.



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Pošalji prijatelju Pošalji prijatelju
objavio: Marijana Munitić   datum: 10. 2. 2022.

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